文藻 富樂夢 夢想起飛雙語學習平台
由『文藻學校財團法人外語大學』和『財團法人台南市富樂夢教育基金會』共同建置。 基於文藻外語大學和富樂夢基金會長期關懷經濟不利者的雙語學習,此雙語學習平台為不收費學習平台,希望鼎力協助國家雙語政策的推行,擴大雙語學習者的人數及擴展雙語學習的實質成效。
文藻外語大學設校於1966年,為南台灣唯一的天主教大學,也是全台唯一的外語大學,自創校以來,為台灣培育出無數優秀的外語經貿和外交人才。 文藻外語大學歷經五專、學院至現今大學時期,學校的發展與台灣社會、經濟的變革緊緊相扣;從培育台灣早期的中、小企業發展所需之商貿外語人才和外交人才,進而培養高科技業全球擴點所需的雙語人才,再再都見證了文藻外語大學作育英才及成功雙語教育的成就。 近年來,學校致力配合教育部「大專校院學生雙語化學習計畫」,校內國際文教暨涉外事務學院及新媒體管理學院獲得雙語教育計畫補助成為雙語「重點培育學院」。換言之,文藻外語大學在雙語學習和雙語教育的經驗與績效對於「Light Up Your Dreams夢想起飛雙語學習平台」的建置有無可取代的角色。
莊慧玲校長 Professor Hwei-Lin Chuang
President of Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
Professor Chuang holds a Ph.D. degree in Economics from Ohio State University in the United States. She has served in various positions, including a member of the Board of Trustees of Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Dean of the College of Technology Management at National Tsing Hua University, Library Director and Head of the Department of Economics at National Tsing Hua University, Director of the Dr. Mei Memorial Academic Scholarship Fund, and a committee member of the Ministry of Economic Affairs' Trade Remedy Committee. She possesses extensive administrative experience and has received numerous awards, including the National Tsing Hua University Teacher Academic Excellence Award, the ROC’s Executive Yuan Service Award, and the EMBA Thesis Supervision Award from the Chinese Society for Management of Technology.
林楚雄副校長 Professor Chu-Hsiung Lin
Vice President of Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
Professor Lin previously held the positions of Director of the Research and Development Office, Dean of the College of Finance and Banking, and a professor in the Department of Finance at National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology. Currently, Professor Lin serves as the Vice President at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, with a focus on enhancing students' competitiveness through three key approaches: "interdisciplinary," "real-world learning," and "hands-on experience." Additionally, to comply with the government's bilingual policy, he aims to leverage Wenzao’s high-quality international environment and the integration of humanities and technology on campus to develop foreign language professionals with interdisciplinary expertise and advance the social responsibility of Wenzao as a language university.
林淑丹教授 Prof. Shu-tan Lin
文藻外語大學 副校長
Vice President of Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
文藻外語大學日本語文系教授,日本國立御茶水女子大學博士(Ph. D.)、美國加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)訪問學者(2020)。研究領域為日本近代與現代文學、比較文學、中日文化研究、中日文口筆譯、日語教學。曾擔任考試院普通考試導遊暨領隊考試審查委員、台灣評鑑協會評鑑委員、技專校院入學測驗中心統一入學測驗考科召集人等職務。
Professor Lin is a professor in the Department of Japanese at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages. She holds a Ph.D. degree from the National Ochanomizu University in Japan and was a visiting scholar at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2020. Her research areas encompass modern and contemporary Japanese literature, comparative literature, Sino-Japanese cultural studies, Chinese and Japanese translation and interpretation, and Japanese language teaching. She has held various roles, including serving as an examination reviewer for the Tour Guide and Leader Civil Service Junior Examination, an evaluator for the Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association, and the coordinator for entrance examinations at the Testing Center for Technical and Vocational Education.
財團法人台南市富樂夢教育基金會創立於2004年,由富樂夢企業集團創辦人沈坤照先生捐資所成立。基金會設立宗旨在關懷弱勢、推廣教育及保護環境。 透過對特定教育議題宣導與推動、獎學金及助學金提供、弱勢家庭學子就學補助等公益活動,在社會角落裡扮演者默默支持教育事業的角色。 富樂夢教育基金會長期關懷來自經濟不利家庭的學子之知識學習,免費提供實體與線上的兒童英語課程;更是國家雙語政策的強力支持者,對於「2030雙語政策」的推行也投入實質的資源和人力。 為了加速台灣雙語教育的普及和接軌政治、經濟、文化的全球化,富樂夢教育基金會與文藻外語大學合作建置雙語學習平台,期盼雙方豐富、厚實的雙語經驗及卓越的聲譽成功形塑出線上雙語學習平台的模式,成為雙語學習平台的翹楚,更為台灣的雙語教育帶來絕佳的成效。
沈坤照先生 Mr. Flomo Shen
Chairman of the FLOMO Education Foundation
Mr. Flomo Shen is the founder of the "FLOMO" Group. The FLOMO Education Foundation was established in 2004 with the aims of caring for the underprivileged, promoting education, and protecting the environment. Through advocating educational issues, providing scholarships and financial aid, and subsidizing students from disadvantaged families, the foundation has unassumingly played a key role in supporting education in society.
沈青蓉女士 Ms Sandy Shen
富樂夢教育基金會 執行長
CEO of the FLOMO Education Foundation
Ms. Sandy Shen, the eldest daughter of Chairman Flomo Shen, currently serves as the CEO of the FLOMO Education Foundation. Recognizing the significance of the digital transformation brought about by the pandemic, she has successfully led the team in implementing the "All English Digital Learning Program." This program offers online English and bilingual character education courses, as well as diverse online courses such as programming and video editing, encouraging children to maximize the use of online resources. This enables them to acquire more knowledge in an unrestricted environment.
沈青樺女士 Ms Wendy Shen
富樂夢教育基金會 執行董事
Executive Director of the FLOMO Education Foundation
沈坤照董事長三女,畢業於文藻後遠赴美國攻讀學、碩士,現為富樂夢美國分公司Nygala Corp.董事長,從小觀察父親在台灣經營製造業時的領導和管理道德,給了實現商業夢想的經驗和力量;同時力求於教育方面回饋社會,為本次雙語學習平台幕後最大推動者。 曾於2013年榮獲由“The International Women's Entrepreneurial Challenge Foundation“頒發國際女性創業挑戰(IWEC)獎、2023年更榮獲由“Enterprising Women of the Year by Enterprising Women Magazine“頒發年度女性總裁組織創業女性獎女企業家獎。
Ms Wendy Shen, the third daughter of Chairman Flomo Shen, graduated from Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages before pursuing further studies in the United States, obtaining both undergraduate and Master's degrees. Currently, she serves as the Chairwoman of Nygala Corp, the American subsidiary of FLOMO Group. Having observed her father's leadership and ethical management while running manufacturing businesses in Taiwan from a young age, she gained the experience and strength to realize her business dreams. She is committed to giving back to society through education and is a key driver for the bilingual online learning platform. Wendy was honored in 2013 with the International Women's Entrepreneurial Challenge (IWEC) Award by The International Women's Entrepreneurial Challenge Foundation. In 2023, she received further recognition of The Enterprising Women of the Year Award from Enterprising Women Magazine.